Friday, September 30, 2005

After these messages...

Yeah I know I missed this week. Don't even start with me.

Actually, the girlfriend is in town this week so I did have a valid excuse in there somewhere.

Anyway, coming up next week: Scott, Alison and I have "Beer Week" planned. After that, I have plenty of stories from my trip across the Northern border from last weekend (to Montreal), a trip filled with so much debauchery I'm almost ashamed to have been a part of it-- but not really.

As for right now I'm off on my third road trip in three weeks, this time to Maine, although some of my more loyal readers (you know who you are) probably already guessed that. Talk to you all on Monday.


At 10/02/2005 7:10 PM, Blogger michelle said...

I really thought you would dedicate this final hockey-less week to hockey....tsk tsk
It's good to read though that you have a life other than working.

At 11/04/2005 2:22 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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