Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Questions Answered

Here's a sordid collection of half-thoughts as I slowly regain my ability to type (you lose this sort of stuff on vacation).

- My trip was 2 parts. The part you see in the next post was in Italy. So kudos to Michelle and Abra who nailed that question, bonus points going to the latter for getting the city, and at the same time coming dangerously close to that stalker category which makes me wonder just who comments on some of this stuff.... hm... I'm rambling...

- Would it be terribly difficult for airports to install some sort of outdoor lobby? Is it that difficult to get some air? Please. We're dying here.

- The movie selection on the trans-Atlantic flights were Fever Pitch and Miss Congeniality 2. So when the stewardess came over offering headphones for sale, I replied that I'd buy only under the condition that they'd hold 190 lbs in a noose. She didn't get it.

- Oh, by the way, the second part of the trip was a week in southern Alabama to visit the girlfriend.

- No, they weren't affected by Katrina in her town. But thank you for asking. Kinda.

- Pot can really enhance a live Fantasy Football draft. This wasn't so much a discovery on vacation as it was after I got back, but it fits here nonetheless.

- Yes. Italy was cool. Tuscany is indescribably picturesque and I wouldn't do it justice even attempting to tell you about it. So just go there already.

- The trip was actually a family vacation, with my parents and 3 brothers. That's right, a family vacation. I'm in my mid-20's now and the last time I took a family vacation was well before I entered high school. But I'm past the point now where I'd forgo a week's vacation for lacrosse practice-- or in this year's case, softball playoffs. Either way, screw everything, when you get the chance to go to Europe, you do it.

- Next vacation is with the girlfriend up North somewhere. I'd tell you where but apparently Abra can just leave a comment with the city and state anyway, so what's the point?

- Yes, I get a kick out of poking fun at commenters I barely know. I find it easier to make friends that way. You may be wondering now why I don't have any friends. Well fuck you too then.

- I have court tomorrow for a speeding ticket. Wish me luck.


At 9/07/2005 4:18 PM, Blogger D said...

Good to have you back, Brad.


At 9/08/2005 4:14 AM, Blogger Big Sky Girl said...

Hahaha, Brad. If you had any idea how many pictures of Florence I have had to look at since all my friends spent a year there in 2002, you would never want to see Italy again.

But I'm begging you, please do not become one of those people who insists on saying "Amazing" whenever someone asks how their trip is. Or compares ice cream to gelato every time you go to dairy queen. I toured Europe snobbery is not acceptable. Though a healthy appreciation for a nice trip is just fine.

At 9/08/2005 1:33 PM, Blogger michelle said...

I'm jealous, I would love to tour Tuscany and the rest of Italy

At 9/14/2005 9:04 PM, Blogger BJC said...

I can't say 'amazing'... but can I say 'awesome?'
And I've caught myself more than a few times on that 'snob' thing, I try to tone it down.

At 9/15/2005 10:27 PM, Blogger BJC said...

I do answer honestly. I mean, it was a great trip.

It's funny you said that though, because when we were taking a winery tour in Chianti...


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