Friday, August 05, 2005

Friday's Links - 8/5

Article 1 - I believe they're calling this "The Ashlee Simpson Strategy" now.

Article 3 - I always thought that if they did this, it would be called 'The Scrotum Soliloquies.'

Article 2 - But speaking of cocks...

Article 4 - You couldn't have just said, "irreconcilable differences?"

Article 5 - Websters Unabridged uses this example for "irony."

Article 6 - Sometimes your words just hynotize me.

Article 7 - With all the crap going on in baseball, it's good to know there are still some good guys left. Touching article.

And for our last piece of business, we'll turn it over to America's newest psychotic sweethearts for a little baseball commentary.
Jekyll: Well Mr. Hyde, looks like you were right about Raffy yesterday. He cancelled his own ceremony. Did it like a man, just like you said.
Hyde: You had doubts? About me? Being right? I'm always right. I know who the leader is on this team. These personalities. I'm who the readers come to read. You revolve around me.
Jekyll: So now you're going Gary Sheffield on us?
Hyde: No, I'm just joking. He wasn't. What a jackass. There's a way to get NY fans on your side. That ain't it.
Jekyll: So what does Shef do? Pull a Ray Lewis and shoot somebody? Your words, not mine.
Hyde: Stab, maybe. Not shoot. This is New York.
Jekyll: How poignant.


At 8/05/2005 8:25 PM, Blogger michelle said...

Have you seen the show from Australia where the two guys perform on stage with their penises? I can't remember the name of the show but they do tricks with their dicks and tie them in knots and stretch them out etc.'s been reviewed as a hilarious show, just don't know how many men would be in the audience. Good story about the young boy, thanks.


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