Monday, August 08, 2005

Bad News Bachelor

Football fever hits early here in Albany, if only for the fact that we've been the home to the New York Football Giants' training camp for the last 10 years. Given that the facilities are only 3 miles from my apartment and the fact that I've been a Giants fan since conception, it goes without saying that I've made a few practices this year (some wearing my #80 jersey... much to the horror and/or amusement of the girlfriend, who may have come to the realization that she's dating a dork a little too late... and yet she hasn't run away screaming, proving once again that she's a keeper... but I digress).

If you follow football or even if you don't, a good starting off point for this piece of knowledge is that barring an act of God or a coked-up Lawrence Taylor, Eli Manning will take every snap as QB this year. Going into camp, there were three guys behind him in the following order: Jesse Palmer (aka TV's 'The Bachelor'), Tim Hasselbeck (the one not married to the chick from Survivor), and Jared Lorenzen (aka "J-Load" or "The Hefty Lefty" - Quick note about 'the Load': seeing him take snaps is a gift from above. Here's a guy listed at 6'4'' 275lbs, which is the body type more commonly associated with interior linemen, yet he's got a cannon for an arm. If the G-Men fall out of playoff contention, this guy should play every 4th quarter. People would stick around for that. I'm telling you).
Not only did he lose his job, but now Eli's tagging the blonde.

Well, unfortunately for The Bachelor, Coach Coughlin looks like he's giving his rose to Hasselbeck. Palmer was running with the 2nd team offense last week, but Hasselbeck's taken his place this week. Sorry, ladies.

On the bright side, Palmer's still got a starting job staring at the back of the longsnapper's crotch. He seems to be holding down the position of "holder" for the placekicker-- which might turn into some hefty playing time, since the Giants' red zone offense is the field goal unit, and has been for the last couple seasons (the drawback to having Mighty Mouse as your running back).


At 8/08/2005 10:24 PM, Blogger michelle said...

YAY... Bertuzzi is back

At 8/09/2005 8:58 AM, Blogger BJC said...

Yes, there are two. Matt is the one married to Elizabeth, he plays for the Seahawks (Seattle). Matt's got a starting job, which is how he landed her. Tim's just a backup.

At 8/09/2005 9:40 AM, Blogger BJC said...

In October it gets tricky. Baseball playoffs coupled with NFL and hockey seasons starting up. The NBA is lame so I leave that out for the most part until the playoffs (and it doesn't hurt that Isiah Thomas is ruining the Knicks).

February is just the opposite. Hockey's only mid-season, football's done, March madness isn't for another 6 weeks and baseball is a distant vision.


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