Tuesday, August 02, 2005

The Atkins Funeral

I'm glad that most of us survived the fad known as Atkins. The low-carb thing had run its course a long, long time ago, and its burial is a great relief to "the rest of us." So while we're currently inbetween diet crazes, I'd just like to share the one thought I had through the entire anti-bread rage of 2004.

Robert Atkins, pioneer of the diet bearing his name, died before he could realize the riches of his idea. He died because of severe head trauma suffered when he slipped on an icy patch on a city sidewalk. Let that sink in for a moment. It wasn't because of cholesterol, diet, or anything like that. It was a sidewalk.

Sure, there's a lot to be said about getting your exercise and living healthy. When your body's healthy, your mind follows, and I'm a firm believer in an active lifestyle. But you don't have to hurl yourself into every diet that comes around. Live life. Don't subject yourself to the throes of some silly fad, just because of some magazine advertisement. You just never know when your next step will hit the icy patch.


At 8/02/2005 2:13 PM, Blogger Scott Garner said...

Common sense: Eat less and exercise more, fatass.

Pervasive action: Ab-shocker, five minute buns, Atkins diet, South Beah diet, yoga for weight loss, yogurt diet, and hypno-therapy.

To paraphrase "Blazing Saddles": "These people are the salt of the earth. You know. Morons."

At 8/02/2005 2:50 PM, Blogger D said...

I hated having to describe my personal diet (cutting back on some carbs and crap food and exercising more) to everyone, and then having them say, "Oh you're on Atkins." No, not really. Just using some common sense and watching what I ate and exercising more. I was not as fanatical as those who were on Atkins.


At 8/02/2005 3:16 PM, Blogger Lone Ranger said...

What business is it of yours how someone else eats? Just because Atkins went bankrupt doesn't mean the end of low carbing. It just means that Atkins extended their business into an area where they shouldn't have gone -- low carb junk food. Unlike a diet like Jenny Craig, Atkins dieters don't need to purchase supplements and meals from Atkins. All they need to do is shop on the perimeter of the grocery store -- meat, dairy, fruits and vegetables. The low carb South Beach diet is still out there. And the low carb CURVES gyms are still doing great business. Low carbing is definitely NOT dead.

At 8/02/2005 3:18 PM, Blogger BJC said...

Sounds like denial's not dead either.


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