Friday, July 29, 2005

Friday's Links - 7/29

Article 1 - I think there was a kid at my college who pulled this same stunt after a frat party. And I don't think he was smart enough to refer to it as "my glaucoma medicine."

Article 2 - Stories like these are why I filter my tapwater through a Brita.

Article 3 - Good riddance. Goodenow may not have been a complete enemy to the NHL players-- at least not in his head-- but he was certainly one to the fans. At one point he recommended taking 2 years off to show the owners how serious they were. I hate this guy.

Article 4 - But don't be surprised if they plastic-wrap the benches.

Article 5 - I'm glad the media isn't beating up on this kid too badly. Most coaches would be lucky to have a player with the kind of heart and emotion Wright showed.

Article 6 - "Coach says be more explosive off the line, maybe he'll get me into the 3-4 scheme. Oh, and he also says my Lotus needs work."

Book Review - Highly recommended reading, of which I was reminded by the new hockey season. It actually has very little at all to do with hockey, other than the fact that the guy occasionally played for a semi-professional team. It's a biography of Attila Ambrus titled, "The Ballad of the Whiskey Robber." Attila's a regular guy who took to robbing banks under the heavy influence of Johnny Walker, and yes, it's an entirely true story. Julian Rubinstein, the author, does a fantastic job of narrating what turns out to be an underdog story, mixing Ambrus's exciting journey with an overlying historical picture of the political and social turmoil encompassing Eastern Europe in the early 1990's. From modest roots, Ambrus is turned into a folk hero of sorts by his own people, a kind of Robin Hood for the Eastern bloc (with one major exception-- Mr. Hood gave back to the poor, while Mr. Ambrus just spent wildly).
It's an extremely compelling read, and gets my highest recommendation. You don't want to put this book down.


At 7/29/2005 1:19 PM, Blogger BJC said...

The girlfriend always told me that yoga was waaaaay harder than I thought it was. And even though I believed her, I never let her know that. Something about male egos...
Good luck with it though.

And no, I'm not sure if a Brita would filter out human urine, but it's better than nothing.

Lastly, I have to say I'm surprised that you haven't made a comment about the new profile pic. I figured you would have pointed that out right away.

At 7/04/2006 2:57 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Attila Ambrus (the Whiskey Robber) now has his own blog from prison in Hungary...


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