Friday's Links - 6/24
FYI: Coming up Monday is a blog-exchange from my new friend (whom I have never actually met or talked to) Alison. If you're not already familiar with her site, please do so, as it is truly great stuff from a friendly northern neighbor.
And now, on with Friday's links.
Article 1 - Interesting article from (great site, by the way) which makes the same observation as a previous post of mine.
Article 2 - Do you get hazard pay in Canada for this job? And did that guy really think "self-defense" was going to work against a giant fuzzy costume? These are the questions that keep me up at night.
Article 3 - I know I shouldn't be laughing at this, but when you ship 168,000 copies of 'The John Singleton Collection' DVD Box Set to the West Bank, things like this are going to happen.
For the last 2 articles, there are a few points I need to argue in a public forum. My blog will have to suffice as an arena for now.
Article 4 - The guy quoted in this article is daft. Here he is, admonishing browser innovation because his ad dollars for free PSPs or I-Pods or music downloads are being lost. Please don't buy into it (no pun intended). This woe-is-me approach is just an excuse by a lazy industry vet who refuses to follow a technology curve. God forbid you actually innovate ahead of the browsers, or think constructively. Give me a break.
Article 5 - This is the quote that gets me: "When you can recapture that chemistry, audiences are going to respond in the same sort of way they did years ago." Um... this coming from the same person who thought casting Will Ferrell with Nicole Kidman was a good idea. It's possibly the worst case of denial since George Lucas said, "I think the fans are really going to like this one," before The Phantom Menace came out. Is there an over/under on the domestic gross for this film? Because I'm going with $34M.
some things are best left in the original form
As far as the re-tread movies article...I feel vindicated.
I wrote a review on this exact topic in early June. (In addition to being the sports editor and humor columnist for our small paper, I'm also the "Phantom of the Cineplex." Did I mention it's a small paper?)
Here it is, for those who are interested.
*Morris Workman
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