Tuesday, April 05, 2005

A Dark Day for Yankees Fans' Ears

Note: This is for Yankees fans only. I apologize in advance to all my readers in Michigan and Kansas City.
WFAN, the Yankees radio network, dealt recently with the loss of Charlie Steiner, who took a play-by-play job with the Los Angeles Dodgers. It was a tough loss for fans of Yankee broadcasts, because even though it was known that he and John Sterling (the longtime Yanks PBP announcer) didn't get along, they were both extremely pleasant to listen to. Insightful, sometimes humorous, always focused. You get the idea.
Now, instead of replacing Steiner with an equally pleasant voice, they decided to go with the nails-on-a-chalkboard screech of Suzyn Waldman, who was previously relegated to pre- and post-game commentary on the YES Network where viewers could easily hit the 'Mute' button or simply change the channel.
That option is no longer.
Now fans are forced to listen to a woman who, although very qualified, is likened more to a carnivorous earwig than a radio personality. This is brutal. When I found out XM radio was carrying the MLB package, I was thrilled. A few days later, the Waldman news broke, and I just lost it. I felt like the victim in a Greek tragedy.
So as of this day, I am organizing a campaign to get her off the air. I am calling this campaign "the National Organization to Silence Useless voiceZ on the Yankees Network", or NO SUZYN for short (and yes, I know getting a 'Z' out of the urban spelling of 'voicez' is a stretch, but I'm not backing down).
The goal of NO SUZYN is entirely devoted to somehow, someway, getting her off the air, be it by convincing WFAN of their horrendous error, or bribing a pharmacist to give her a crippling, season-long case of laryngitis.
You can show your support by leaving a comment on this post, or just send an email here.
We will not be stopped. Suzyn will.


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